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IP Daily Plus
[기타기계장치] National Oilwell Varco LP. v. Smart Reamer Drilling Systems Ltd. 간의 특허 분쟁
National Oilwell Varco LP. v. Smart Reamer Drilling Systems Ltd.
발생일자 2017.09.13 사건번호 4:17-cv-02767 
관할법원명 D.C.S.D.Texas(지방법원)
침해권리 특허
원고명 National Oilwell Varco LP. ( 미국 / 외국기업 )
피고명 Smart Reamer Drilling Systems Ltd. / Wajid Rasheed ( 영국 / 외국기업 )
소송유형 Declaratory Judgement
분쟁내용 [National Oilwell Varco LP. v. Smart Reamer Drilling Systems Ltd. et al] 사건번호 4:17-cv-02767에 따르면 원고 National Oilwell Varco LP.는 피고 Smart Reamer Drilling Systems Ltd./ Wajid Rasheed을(를) 상대로 특허 US8235144|US8511404|US8528668|US9447676|US9593538|US9677342에 대한 비침해 확인을 구하는 소송을 미국 텍사스 남부 지방법원에 제기하였다.
분쟁경과 진행중
산업분류 기계소재 > 기타기계장치
계쟁제품 Anderrimer, IntelliServ Network 및 향상된 측정 시스템(EMS Tools) 도구와 드릴 문자열 및/또는 BHA(하단 구멍 어셈블리)에 통합하기 위한 캘리퍼를 포함하는 IQ 모니터링 시스템. [IQ Monitoring System for the Anderreamer, IntelliServ Network and the enhanced measurement system (EMS) tools including those known as BlackBox / BlackStream / BlackBox Eclipse (the EMS Tools) and callipers intended for incorporation in a drillstring and/or Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA). (Declaratory Judgment)]
지재권번호/명칭 US8235144 Expansion and sensing tool  
US8511404 Drilling tool, apparatus and method for underreaming and simultaneously monitoring and controlling wellbore diameter  
US8528668 Electronically activated underreamer and calliper tool  
US9447676 Electronically activated underreamer and calliper tool  
US9593538 Circumferential and longitudinal cutter coverage in continuation of a first bit diameter to a second expandable reamer diameter  
US9677342 Drilling tool, apparatus and method for underreaming and simultaneously monitoring and controlling wellbore diameter  
등록일 : 2017-09-19

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